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Program content


Business Development and Corporate Strategy

This lecture will discuss the importance of business development and corporate strategy for organizations. Business development involves identifying new opportunities, building partnerships, and enhancing value proposition.

DATE(S): 04/07/2024 (17h – 18:30h)
LECTURER: Sergi Trilla
PRICE: € 50

Health Technology Assessment

This session is a very useful introduction to the healthcare value chain. and will teach you how to bring an idea into the market. Some of the topics that will be covered are: economic context, healthcare parad igm, healthcare technology life cycle, the basis of market approval and quality analysis, etc.

DATE(S): 19/11/2024 (17h – 18:30h)
LECTURER: Laura Sampietro
PRICE: € 50

Reimbursement basics

The objective of this session is to teach attendees the fundamental principles of European reimbursement and health economics, so that they understand the importance of it in health innovations from the very first day.

DATE(S): 10/10/2024 (17h – 18:30h)
LECTURER: Belen Martí
PRICE: € 50

Clinical Trials in Medical Devices

The lecture explores the different phases of clinical trials, including the design, implementation, and analysis of clinical trials. It highlights the importance of proper study design and patient selection to ensure accurate and reliable results.

DATE(S): 08/10/2024 (17h – 18:30h)
LECTURER: Joana Claverol
PRICE: € 50

Company Creation

This session will provide you with the essential legal knowledge to start your business with confidence, covering business structure, navigating the law and the basics of taxation.

DATE(S): 16/10/2024 (17h – 18:30h)
PRICE: € 50

Additional information


We offer a 50% discount (for any category, but not accumulative) to students who are in their final academic year at university, or who are studying a Masters degree related to the following fields: business, engineering, life sciences or design. If interested, please send an e-mail to oherrera@biocat.cat, with the subject "Short Programs Discount", providing your details and attaching a copy of your university registration. Promotions are limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Cancellation Policy

To withdraw from a session you must send an e-mail to: oherrera@biocat.cat. If cancellation is received more than one week (7 working days) before the date of the Short Program session, you will be reimbursed for 100% of the registration fee. If cancellation is received during the week prior to the date of the lesson, you will be reimbursed for 50% of the registration fee. If no notice is given, participants will not be reimbursed even if they do not attend the session.

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