Short Program 2023: Product Development
Aquest paquet de conferències cobreix aspectes clau en el procés de conceptualització i creació d'un nou producte. Els participants aprendran a dissenyar dispositius mèdics, així com sobre els nous materials utilitzats en el disseny. Aquest paquet també ofereix una introducció a les noves eines en el camp de la salut digital, com l'ús de la intel·ligència artificial, i aprofundeix en els principis de la propietat intel·lectual i els requisits reglamentaris.
4 sessions (until 16/07/2023)
Online via Microsoft Teams; dial-in details will be sent before the lecture
Whole package: € 150 (€ 50 each individual session)
This lecture will be divided in two parts. In one hand will help you to comprehend what robotics is and the different types of medical robotics available. The lecturer will also discuss different trends of the field and will introduce you the main companies that are currently working on the ecosystem. On the other hand, the second part of the lecture will cover the basic principles about sensing technologies and the different types and mechanisms relying behind the diversity of wide spread and newly adopted sensors in the field of healthcare.
DATE(S): 13/06/2023 (17h – 18:30h)
LECTURER: Alicia Casals & Dani Prades
PRICE: € 50
In this lecture, you'll be introduced to one of the most important topics of our time: artificial intelligence (AI). AI is already revolutionizing our world, and this lecture will explain how it can benefit the healthcare industry. You'll learn about the opportunities and challenges of using AI in healthcare, and how it can be used to improve human health and transform the world. By the end of the lecture, you'll have a basic understanding of how AI is changing healthcare, and how you can use this knowledge to your advantage.
DATE(S): 20/06/2023 (17h – 18:30h)
LECTURER: Àtia Cortes
PRICE: € 50
The scope of this session is to bring our participants with the basics requirements and steps that any entrepreneurs must follow in order to protect its innovation and add value to it.
DATE(S): 21/06/2023 (17h – 18:30h)
LECTURER: Alejandro Griffiths
PRICE: € 50
This talk will provide information about the regulation of medical devices and digital health solutions, specifically in comparison to the pharmaceutical process. You will also take an in-depth look at the European regulatory process under the CE Marking process, and the key differences between both EMA and FDA approvals. To take the ideal and trickiest path in the regulatory adventure, can make the difference in the success or failure of your bussiness model.
DATE(S): 18/07/2023 (17h – 18:30h)
LECTURER: Dominique Monferrer
PRICE: € 50
We offer a 50% discount (for any category, but not accumulative) to students who are in their final academic year at university, or who are studying a master’s degree related to the following fields: business, engineering, life sciences or design. If interested, please send an e-mail to, with the subject "Short Programs Discount", providing your details and attaching a copy of your university registration. Promotions are limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
To withdraw from a session you must send an e-mail to If cancellation is received more than one week (7 working days) before the date of the Short Program session, you will be reimbursed for 100% of the registration fee. If cancellation is received during the week prior to the date of the lesson, you will be reimbursed for 50% of the registration fee. If no notice is given, participants will not be reimbursed even if they do not attend the session.