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Generalitat de Catalunya - Government of Catalonia. Delegation to the Nordic Countries

The online conference Sweden–Catalonia hubs: life science and technology for growth and social impact will discuss how high-level research environments on life science and healthcare work in Catalonia and Sweden amid the current COVID-19 pandemic and how they answer to the need for a fast and high-quality scientific response.

Sweden and Catalonia are known for high-quality research environments, being their capital cities in the 10th and 12th ranking position with regards to scientific publications in the EU, especially in the life science and healthcare sector. Both are known to have robust indicators and long-term strategies in R+D+I, and high-level scientific facilities in BioTech and MedTech, among others. They are ranked 4th and 5th as technology hubs in investment in Europe, according to Dealroom.

The discussion will highlight how cooperation between academia, public and private sectors is a key factor to deliver a positive final social impact. 

The conference will bring together renowned experts such as Björn Arvidsson, Managing Director of Uppsala STUNS Life science; Jordi Naval, General Director of Catalan life science Biocat, (BioRegion Catalonia); Mia Ekdahl, Head of Communications of the Sahlgrenska Science Park Life science of West Sweden, and Núria Montserrat, stem cell biologist and ICREA Professor at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC).

Finally, this debate will take place as the Catalan public broadcaster -TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio- organizes its annual charity La Marató which this year will focus on the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. 


More information:

This conference will be broadcasted online.



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