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For the second time, Barcelona celebrated a week dedicated to innovation, acceleration, technology, and transformation in healthcare, showcasing the diversity, strengths, impact, and potential of the thriving life sciences and healthcare ecosystem based in Barcelona. It took place from February 12 to 15, as part of the presentation of the 2022 BioRegion report.

From in-house sessions to online webinars, talks, debates, and networking, many seized the opportunity to be part of this innovative week with engaging activities that allowed them to assert their market and thought leadership, showcase their latest innovations, and connect with their target audience.

Record participation in the Barcelona Health Innovation Week with more than 40 organized activities

37 entities from the sector organized a total of 43 activities in Barcelona and its metropolitan area, bringing together nearly 3,000 professionals from the sector.

The intense and attractive agenda of the initiative promoted by Biocat for the second consecutive year will make visible the richness and diversity of the life sciences and health ecosystem in Catalonia.

The activities on digital health, artificial intelligence applied to health, advanced therapies, aspects of regulation and science were the ones that had the greatest attendance.

See BHIW 2024 activities


Ecosystem partners 2024

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