Transparency portal
The purpose of the Transparency section of Biocat, Fundació BioRegió de Catalunya, is to give users access to public and good governance information, as per the requirements of Law 19/2014 of 29 December. In this section, you will find information on how the organization is structured, data and results for Biocat’s basic activities, its staff, as well as financial and public procurement information.

1. Active Disclosure
Mission and activities
To learn more about Biocat’s mission and activities, see the Vision, mission and values and What we do sections of this website.
Applicable law
- Law on Foundations 50/2002, of December 26 (BOE 310, 27.12.2002)
- Law 7/2012, of June 15, amending the third book of the Civil Code of Catalonia, relating to Legal Entities
- Law 4/2008, of April 24, on the third book of the Civil Code of Catalonia, relating to Legal Entities
- General Accounting Plan for Foundations
Law on the tax regime of non-profit organizations and tax incentives for patronage, Law 49/2002, of December 23 (BOE 307, 24.12.2002)
Organizational Structure
To find out who is a member of theBiocat team or theBoard of Trustees, see the About Biocat section of this website.
2. Financial, budgetary and asset management
Yearly activities plan
Biocat’s activities are carried out by the whole team and the Catalan healthcare ecosystem and all its stakeholders are the beneficiaries.
The activity reports, program of activities for 2022 and program of activities for 2021 are available here.
Compensation for Governing Bodies
The compensation of the governing bodies is laid out in point 20 of the report on the annual accounts.
3. Administrative management
Public Administration Contracts
The Board of Trustees is the body responsible for contracts at Biocat.
You can check out the document showing current contracts with the Public Administration.
Public Administration Agreements
There aren’t currently any agreements with the Public Administration.
Grants and subsidies
You can check out the document with the grants and subsidies received in the past five years.