Biocat, in collaboration with national and international experts, drafts several reports, studies and publications that are benchmarks in the sector. Get the most significant information and insights for a snapshot of our ecosystem and stay up to date on the latest trends.

BioRegion of Catalonia Report
The benchmark study on the life sciences and healthcare ecosystem in Catalonia. Includes latest investment figures.
All publications

BioRegion of Catalonia Report
The benchmark study on the life sciences and healthcare ecosystem in Catalonia. Includes latest investment figures.

Biocat Report of Activities
The Biocat Report, published since 2006, sums up the progress of Biocat’s activity under its strategy to drive the life sciences and healthcare sector in Catalonia.

Digital health in Catalonia
Overview of digital health in the BioRegion. Highlights include the trends, opportunities and recommendations for the future.

Hub of Advanced and Emerging Therapies in Catalonia: Action Plan
This initiative aims to ensure patient access to therapeutic solutions, increase the number of clinical trials in this field, promote industrial development, and enhance the economic and social impact of a strategic sector.

Operational Plan for access to innovation in the Catalan Health System
Aquest Pla Operatiu recull les vies i mecanismes per fer arribar les innovacions al Sistema de Salut de Catalunya de manera més àgil i, en última instància, poder arribar més ràpidament al conjunt de la població.

The gender gap in the life sciences and healthcare sector: status, challenges and recommendations
There is still a gender gap in the sector. The report, drafted by Biocat, analyzes data and proposes solutions.

Let’s take back the reins, now: keys to Preparation and Response
Collective proposal for tackling the countrywide challenges and needs of the health innovation system exposed by the COVID-19 crisis.