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The CSC Impulsa Awards recognize innovative projects in the fields of health and social care, providing a financial grant of 20,000 euros and support from the CSC Innovation Technical Office to the winners.

What are they? Awards for innovative projects in health and social care.

Who can apply? Any healthcare or social entity providing public services in Catalonia.

Categories for the 2024 edition:

  • Retinal diseases
  • Cancer and urology
  • Lung cancer
  • Comprehensive approach to obesity
  • Innovative AI projects in health
  • Innovative AI projects in social care
  • General category (other projects)

How to submit applications? Applicants must fill out the specified form and include a project video. Projects must be registered by September 30 and the video sent to by October 31.

Deadline for submissions? September 30 (registration) and October 31 (video submission).

Award ceremony: On November 28 at CosmoCaixa, where finalists will be announced and winners decided by live voting from the attending public.

Applications can be submitted until September 30 via the appropriate form, and all registered projects must submit a video to by October 31 at 23:59 CET.

Each category will have at least two finalists, announced during the aid distribution event on November 28 at CosmoCaixa. At this event, finalists for each category will be announced and their videos screened. Both the jury and attending public will vote to select the winners.

This year's edition of the CSC Impulsa Awards is supported by the TicSalut and Social Foundation, and in collaboration with Bayer, Johnson&Johnson, Novo Nordisk, among other entities to be announced soon.

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