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Moebio (an initiative of Biocat)

After nine months of intense training-by-doing, the d·HEALTH Barcelona Fellows 2020 have reached the end of this one-in-a-lifetime learning. The ten d·HEALTH fellows are now equipped not only with specific knowledge but also with entrepreneurship and personal skills to develop the real solutions in medical technologies the society demands.

The teams are indeed already working on developing viable solutions for three unmet clinical needs identified during during their virtual clinical immersion. These solutions will be presented for the first time in public - and to a special jury- at the Graduation Day.

The Graduation Day will feature a luxury Keynote Conference, Yaakov Nahmias, academic director of the Jerusalem Medical Innovation. In addition, Nahmias will be a member of the jury with Irene Sánchez, Business Creation Manager EIT Health Spain - Campus and Frédéric Tétard, Head of Pharmacovigilance Service in Boehringer Ingelheim.

Restricted event, access with invitation only. For more information, please contact Àuria Albacete:



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