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Biocat and ACCIÓ

Biocat, together with ACCIÓ, organizes GURUS VS ANTI-GURUS: ¿El GURÚ NACE O SE HACE?, a debate with experts in the Healthcare sector. Helena Torras (PAO Capital), Lluís Pareras (invivo VENTURES), Xavier Ferràs (ESADE) and Frederic Llordachs (Doctoralia) will be the speakers; and Jordi Naval, Director of Biocat, will be the moderator. 

This "Roast Battle" has been organized as part of Barcelona Tech Spirit, the pop-up event that arose after the cancellation of the MWC 2020 and the 4YFN - The event for start ups -. Promoted by Barcelona Tech City with the Ajuntament de Barcelona, the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Government of Spain, the Mobile World Capital Barcelona, ​​the Zona Franca Consortium and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, and others institutions, Barcelona Tech Spirit will bring together a series of activities and conferences to promote entrepreneurship.

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