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The Investment Readiness Series (TIRS) - Belgium Edition is an initiative by Biocat, co-organized with Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), Agence Wallonne à l'Exportation et aux Investissements Étrangers (AWEX), ACCIÓ Belgium-Luxembourg, and MEDVIA. It will take place on December 9 from 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM in Bruges, just before the HealthTech Investors Summit (HTIS).

The goal of TIRS BE is to connect leading startups from Catalonia with Belgian venture capital investors and key corporate partners in the digital health, medtech, and biotech sectors.

The 8 selected companies will have the exclusive opportunity to present to investors (10-minute presentation + 5 minutes for questions/comments from investors) and enjoy a free networking lunch. They will also benefit from a personalized training session for their presentation in the days leading up to the event to ensure they are fully prepared.

Program - Monday, December 9

10:30 | Presentation of the partners
10:45 - 12:45 | Startup presentations
12:45 - 13:45 | Networking lunch
13:45 - 14:00 | HealthTech Investors Summit

For registered attendees

How to participate?

  • Registration: To apply for TIRS, send an email with your company’s One-Pager and the subject "TIRS-BE Startup Application" to Adrià Gómez Olivella (, Innovation & Business Development Project Manager at Biocat. Requirements for Startups or Scale-ups:

        • Startup with a tax ID, a clear product concept, and that has secured some financing.

        • Scale-up that has obtained CE marking and/or FDA approval and/or is ready for pan-European or U.S. commercialization.

  • Open call: Until October 21, 2024
  • Cost: Free (except for flights, accommodation, networking dinner on December 8, and HTIS registration)
  • HealthTech Investors Summit (HTIS): You can register as an attendee or apply to make a presentation at the HTIS, organized by MEDVIA. 

Discounts for companies and entities from the BioRegion at the HealthTech Investor Summit:

10% discount (for attendance only). Use code: HIS-10
30% discount on registrations for investors based in Catalonia. Use code: HIS-30

The selected companies from the BioRegion of Catalonia in the HTIS pitch competition will receive:

• 30% discount on the pitching fee for the winner of each category*
• 20% discount on the pitching fee for the runner-up companies in each category*
• 15% discount on the pitching fee for all other selected companies (directly or later through European pitching committees)

After receiving the first discount, all companies in the BioRegion will receive an additional 15% discount.

*Pre-Seed, Startup, and Scale-up.

Initiative organized by:

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