Lessons Learned: El retorn social de la inversió en empreses biomèdiques, un valor a l'alça?
<p>Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB) · Baldiri Reixac, 4-8 · Barcelona</p>
<p>Biocat, ACCIÓ, Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB)</p>
CataloniaBio & HealthTech
The next session 'Lessons Learned: The Social Return on Investment in biomedical companies, a rising value?' will be about impact investing, Social Return On Investment (SROI) and why are important in the strategic design and in the management of the companies in the biomedical and health sector, among other questions. The session will feature entrepreneurs, investors and heads of organizations working to have an impact on society, who will share their points of view and experience in a dynamic debate where the whole audience can participate.
Lluís Pareras, Founder partner of Invivo Ventures
Maite Fibla, Co-Founder of Ship2B
Salva Gutiérrez, CEO and CFO of MJN Neuroserveis
Elisabet del Valle, Co-Founder and Partner of Cliclab
Pablo Sánchez, Executive Director of B Corp Spain
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Download the program (Catalan)
Language: Catalan