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UK's Department for International Trade (DIT)

UK Clinical Trials Networking Breakfast - Ask the experts will take place on Tuesday, May 3 at 9:30 a.m. at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). The event aims to publicize the ecosystem of clinical trials in the UK, one of the most internationally consolidated.

Experts from pioneering institutions and companies in the United Kingdom will participate in the event, who will discuss several case studies and insights on different topics: access to financing, the impact of clinical trials of Covid19, the diversification of clinical trials, artificial intelligence , decentralization and remote clinical trials, in-silico trials, patient recruitment, adaptive protocol designs; and other issues on diabetes, liver disease and oncology.

  • Event moderated by Jessica Griffiths, UK Senior Trade & Investment Biotech and Pharma, British Consulate Barcelona

9:15 am - Registration and coffee 

9:30 am - Welcome

  • Maria Terrades, General Director, Barcelona Science Park
  • Hugh Elliott, British Ambassador to Spain (Institutional Welcome Video Message)
  • Robert Fabregat, CEO, Biocat 

9:45 am - Speaker Introductions

  • Natalie Wilson, National Institute for Health Research 
  • Dr Linda Magee, OBE, UK Department for International Trade -DIT
  • John McCrae, NorthWestEHealth
  • Lindus Health, Meri Beckwith
  • Antonio Vila-Coro, IQVIA

10:15 am - Ask the experts

  • Moderated: Jessica Griffiths, UK Senior Trade & Investment Biotech and Pharma, British Consulate Barcelona
  •  Session with the expert speakers, including the opportunity for questions from the audience

11:00 am - Networking Breakfast

11:30 am - End 


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