Webinar Argentina Mission 2024

12.06.2024 - 15:00 (CEST)
12.06.2024 - 16:00 (CEST)
Cámara Argentina de Biotecnología
Would you like to participate in BioArgentina 2024 and learn more about the Argentine health ecosystem? On the 12th of June, from 15:00 (CEST) to 16:00 (CEST), Biocat is organising an informative webinar to learn more about the local partners, the innovative ecosystem in Argentina, the features of BioArgentina 2024 and everything you can discover.
- Montse Daban, Director of Strategic Analysis and International Relations at Biocat, President of CEBR (European Council of Bioregions)
- Josep Vives, Delegate of the Generalitat de Catalunya in Con Sud
- Sebastián Bagó, President of the CAB
- Graciela Ciccia: Director of the CAB (Argentine Chamber of Biotechnology)
- Montse Daban; Director of Strategic Analysis and International Relations at Biocat, President of CEBR (European Council of Bioregions)
- Guillermo Rojkin; CEO at Wiener Lab
- Germán de la Llave, Director of strategic alliances at Bioluminar
- Valentina Carricarte, Representative of the CAB (Argentine Chamber of Biotechnology)
- Clara Mediñà, Project manager of Strategic Analysis and International Relations.
BioArgentina 2024
BioArgentina is a conference organised by the Argentine Chamber of Biotechnology (CAB) that brings together researchers, entrepreneurs, start-ups, leading industrial companies and the public sector.
BioArgentina 2023 brought together more than 800 people from different countries, including businessmen, investors, researchers, entrepreneurs, public officials and students of biotechnology. The event included conferences, panels and business rounds.