Webinar: Boost4Health and CE4BIG support vouchers for SME exchanges
Boost4Health consortium and CE4BIG consortium
Are you a SME interested in starting international high quality collaborations to accelerate your growth? On 9 March at 14:00, the organization of the European BoostHealth Program and CE4BIG will hold a webinar to explain how the Boost4Health and CE4BIG support vouchers work. Apart from understanding the voucher system, participants will learn from success stories and get connected to potential collaboration partners.
A Boost4Health voucher can be the incentive you need to find and access international opportunities. Boost4ealth offers two kinds of vouchers:
- Connection vouchers (up to € 500,-) to participate in an online networking event or connect to a potential collaboration partner.
- Support vouchers (up to € 1.500,-) to stimulate a collaboration between a Boost4Health service provider and SME