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ASEBIO, Plataforma de mercados Biotecnologícos, Medicamentos innovadores, NANOMED, Plataforma española innovación tecnología sanitaria.

The XIII Annual Conference of the Biomedical Research Technology Platforms: Innovative Medicines, Nanomedicine, Health Technology and Biotechnological Markets, arrives in Barcelona on March 9 and 10, 2020. 

In recent years, Spain has improved in biomedical research thanks to the promotion of the health system's cooperation with the biopharmaceutical industry. But new strategies must be redesigned to maintain and strengthen leadership in this area in an international context of strong competition.

The territory needs a national strategy that promotes R&D to harness the full potential of researchers, companies, research centers in order to create social and economic value. 

The conference is priced at € 150 and registrations close on March 2, 2020. Students and young researchers can get credentials for free (limited places) by presenting the ID on the day of the conference.



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