2013 MIHealth Forum aims to lay foundation for transformation of healthcare system
The international forum on hospital innovation, which will take place in Barcelona from 26 to 28 June, is backed by Johns Hopkins Hospital, Karolinska Hospital, Kaiser Permanente and MIT.
By Biocat
The current situation, in which budgets are being cut and chronic illnesses caused by the ageing population are increasing, can only be tackled through innovative ideas that combine more efficient processes, proper integration of new technology, and a radical change in focus in medical culture to adopt preventative measures.
These challenges were the subject of debate among the seventy speakers that participated in the first MIHealth Management & Clinical Innovation Forum held in Barcelona last year and will once again be the focus of the second edition of this international forum, from 26 to 28 June 2013. MIHealth Forum 2013 will feature a program of conferences, debates and meetings structured into three thematic tracks (knowledge, technology and organization) in order to seek out new ways to provide better hospital care.
The four plenary sessions are:
- Health innovation in the knowledge society, by Jack H. Cochran, executive director of The Permanente Federation (USA).
- Harnessing data for better health outcomes, with Brigitte Rorive-Feytmans, director of Medical/Economic Analysis at Geneva University Hospital (Switzerland); Michael Kahn, of the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (USA) and Ferran Sanz, director of the IMIM-UPF Research Program on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB).
- Treating the patient of the future, featuring Charles Auffray, scientific director of the French National Scientific Research Center, and Richard Bergström, director of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations (EFPIA).
- Have you had the conversation?, by Ellen Goodman, co-founder and director of The Conversation Project (USA).
The 2013 MIHealth Forum program has been drawn up by a new advisory board (International Scientific Advisory Board) made up of eight benchmark medical institutions, including Johns Hopkins Hospital, Karolinska Hospital, Kaiser Permanente, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the MD Anderson Cancer Center. The European Commission participates as an observer with the aim of aligning the program of the MIHealth Forum with the European strategy for research and innovation in eHealth.
Call for papers
MIHealth Forum 2013 has opened up a call for papers to submit innovative initiatives and projects in the healthcare sector, specifically those on:
- Healthcare knowledge and managing innovation (from idea to market)
- Technology to transform the healthcare system
- Management innovation in healthcare organizations
The top 30 proposals from all those submitted will be selected to participated in the congress, giving a five-minute presentation. The best project in each category will be recognized with the MIHealth Innovation Award.
- Registration for the congress (25% discount for members of the BioRegion of Catalonia. Use code GN245DHT)
- Registration in the call for papers (deadline 26 May 2013)
Additionally, the Healthcare Barcelona Investment Forum, co-organized by the Barcelona Medical Association (COMB), IESE Business School, Barcelona Activa and Biocat, will be held under the framework of this event.
Date: 26 to 28 June 2013
Venue: Palau de Congressos de Barcelona • Avda. Reina Maria Cristina, s/n (Montjuïc fairgrounds) • Barcelona (map)
You can follow the forum on Twitter @MIHealthForum with the hashtag #MIHealthForum.
Questions: Fira Barcelona • congresos@firabarcelona.com • Tel. +34 93 409 74 82
Related news on the previous edition (28/2/2012)