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On 19 June, the second annual conference on the Scientific Cloud (SciCloud 2014) will be held at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). This event, organized by Mind the Byte in collaboration with Microsoft, the PCB and CataloniaBio, deals with the convergence of science and cloud computing services.

This year, the congress will focus on security, privacy and data protection. The opening session will be given by Ana Maiques, CataloniaBio board member; Jesús Purroy, PCB technical director of Science and Technology Services; and Alfons Nonell-Canals, CEO of Mind the Byte. The congress will also feature experts like Aleida Alcaide, member of the European Cloud Partnership workgroup; Héctor Sánchez, Microsoft security consultant; and Florian Michalek, a patent attorney at Bardehle Pagenberg, among others. Enric I. Canela, vice-rector for Science Policy at the University of Barcelona (UB), will give the closing session.

Cloud computing technology and SaaS platforms (Software as a Service) are based on the use of the Internet: all the information is stored and processed online. On one hand, the cloud facilitates access to big data processing systems and requires less infrastructure, therefore optimizing scientific research and R&D&i. But on the other, this paradigm shift has led to doubts regarding privacy, security and the intellectual property of data.

Attendance to this one-of-a-kind conference in Spain is free of charge but those interested must register beforehand.

SciCloud 2014 Program

More information is available on the PCB website.

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