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By Biocat

The eighth edition of Barcelona Healthcare Investment Forum co-organized by the Barcelona Medical Association (COMB), Barcelona Activa, Keiretsu Forum and Biocat will be held on 25 October 2012. The aim of the Forum is to provide access to private finance to companies with projects in biotechnology, health services and health-related technologies that require a capital injection of up to 2 million Euros.

Projects may be submitted before October 4, all kinds of companies (early stage) or teams with innovative projects for business development.

In the latest edition last May 2012 within the MIHealth conference, 10 companies attended the forum.

More information and registration (to submit projects or attend the Forum as investors or public) please visit COMB website.

Date: 25 October 2012
Time: 5 pm
Venue: COMB • Pg Bonanova 47 • Barcelona (Spain)

About the previous edition:



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