ACC1Ó organizes an informative session on the sixth EuroTransBio call for grants
EuroTransBio is a European initiative that funds transnational R+D biotechnology projects in the health, agro alimentary and biotechnology sectors applied to industrial processes, environment and energy.

Next 26th November, ACC1Ó organizes an informative session on the sixth EuroTransBio call, a European initiative through which a network of national and regional organizations has been created for the funding of R+D biotechnology transnational projects.
This new call, which was opened last 1st October and will close next 1st February 2011, has been launched by 12 representative agencies of countries and European regions. Each regional or state organization funds the project partner of its State or region with its grants program. In the case of Catalonia, the funding will be for those which encourage Catalan agents’ participation in the Eranet calls of EuroTransBio and Manunet projects.
The main characteristics of this line of grants will be:
- Catalan big companies and SMEs.
- Public research organizations, private centers of scientific research and development, technological centers and other physical or juridical persons will only be able to take part in the project as subcontracted entities.
- Minimum expense eligible to be funded for the Catalan part of the project Eranet: 150.000 Euros.
- Maximum help for the Catalan part of the project Eranet: 250.000 Euros.
Deadline: projects with a maximum duration of 2 years.
Dates: the gross value subsidies will be able to be increased until 15%, until a maximum intensity of help of 80%, when an Eranet project implies at least the effective collaboration of a Catalan SME.
Date: 26 November 2010
Time: from 10h to 13h
Place: ACC1Ó • Events Room • Passeig de Gràcia, 129 • Barcelona (Spain)
Registration (until 24th November)
Moreover, people interested can request a personal interview in order to answer questions or receive advice to present projects. A summary has to be sent with the project idea before 24th November to:
For further information please contact: ACC1Ó (Mar Pérez) •