Increasing the Catalan economy’s competitiveness is a goal shared by both the region’s institutions and its social sectors. There is also a general consensus that improving productivity, and therefore competitiveness, favors the wellbeing of the population as a whole. This includes overcoming structural deficiencies and striking a balance between the territory and the environment.
Months after the National Infrastructure Deal was signed, as part of the exhibition entitled Networks: a journey through Catalonia's infrastructures, the Catalan Government is organizing a series of colloquiums with experts and representatives from institutions related to this field in order to openly debate the principles surrounding this strategic issue, which is key to both the region’s present and future. All the debates will be moderated by journalist Eugeni Madueño.
A colloquium entitled After the factories, knowledge, will be held 22 April, with Kim Faura, general director of Telefónica in Catalonia; Andreu Mas-Colell, secretary general of the European Research Council and president of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics; and Montserrat Vendrell, CEO of Biocat.
Program (in Catalan)
To sign up, send an email to marta.teruel@manners.es or call +34 93 319 63 23. Limited participation.
Date every Thursday from 18 March through 20 May 2010
Place: Palau Robert • Cotxeres Room • Pg. de Gràcia, 107 • Barcelona (Spain)