Barcelona City Council and Chamber of Commerce present first International Corporate Universities Forum
This forum aims to debate the strategic role that corporate universities play and their recent and future evolution.
The first annual International Corporate Universities Forum (ICUF) will be held 27 and 28 September in Barcelona. This forum is promoted by the Barcelona City Council and Chamber of Commerce, bringing together heads of management and strategy of companies from around the world to share and analyze existing models and trends and reflect on how corporate universities can foster the strategic changes needed in their companies.
The forum is led by renowned experts in this field. Confirmed speakers include Alfons Sauquet, dean of ESADE and member of the board of the European Academy for Business in Society (EABIS); Mike Rosenberg, expert in long-term strategy, scenario planning and analysis of business problem, who is currently teaching at IESE; David Parcerisas, chairman of the EADA board; Pablo Riera, president of the P&A group and strategic partner at Louis Allen and Zenger Folkman in Spain and Portugal; Pablo Cardona, head of the Department of Managing People in Organizations at IESE; Luis Vives, academic director of the ESADE Programs at Universitas Telefónica.
Leading change
The session on the 27th will focus on two topics: leading change and the role corporate universities play. Guest speakers will include Brian Bacon, founder of the Oxford Leadership Academy and renowned management and leadership development advisor, who will speak on leading in turbulent times; Jeanne Meister, cofounder of the Future Workplace organization, who was recently chosen one of the top 20 most influential professionals in this field, speaking about how companies should prepare the 2010 Workplace; and Robert Sherwin from Zenger & Folkman, who will explain how extraordinary leaders double profits.
Future challenges and trends
A more practical session has been planned for the 28th, which will define the future challenges facing corporate universities and how they should deal with them. There will be three breakout sessions, with workshops and discussion forums: Innovative ways to create impact learning (ESADE), Coaching in the 21st century: From manager to coach (IESE), and The role of managers in online knowledge management processes (EAE, Idec-UPF, UOC, UAB, IL3-UB and UPC). Noteworthy speakers include Alfons Cornella, founder of Infonomia, who will give an update on corporate university trends and how to identify the challenges they face.
According to the organizers, the small scale and participative format of the ICUF guarantee opportunities for networking, sharing knowledge and experiences, and obtaining useful information and clear, practical and easily applicable conclusions.
Registration (reduced price through 13/9/2010)