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The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) has created the Barcelona Business Ready program (BBR), a new service for companies and public research groups in the field of life sciences that want to take advantage of temporary spaces at special rental conditions in an ecosystem that actively contributes to accelerating growth of their business or research.

“This is a groundbreaking initiative in Spain in the field of life sciences and an added element to attract companies, who may end up staying with us permanently,” said Jesús Purroy, scientific director of the PCB and head of the BBR program.

This project aims to support national and international entrepreneurs that want to maximize results and minimize investment, find partners for joint projects, explore new markets and promote their business or research flexibly and efficiently.

The services offered through this program have been specially designed to drive innovative projects in the science, technology and business arena, including direct interaction with stakeholders in the BioRegion of Catalonia and with national and international networks; networking activities; marketing, communication, growth  and business-development services; support in accessing public and private funding; and access to cutting-edge equipment and facilities.

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