Barcelona’s Hospital Clínic takes advantage of ‘cloud’ technology
The hospital presents a new data-entry and group-work platform for virtual communities in the biomedical arena, which optimizes time and costs.

By Biocat
The Hospital Clínic of Barcelona will present, on 14 June 2012, a data-entry and group-work platform for virtual communities in the biomedical arena geared towards researchers. “The novelty is that this is a database model that represents knowledge as ontologies using a standard language and free software," explains Dr. Xavier Pastor, head of Medical Informatics at Hospital Clínic. The platform, which has been registered under the brand OntoCRF (Onto Clinical Research Forms), is already being used in numerous clinical research projects. The company marketing this platform is Setting Consultoria, which specializes in ICT.
The presentation of the OntoCRF concept will be given by Dr. Raimundo Lozano, Hospital Clínic Medical Informatics. Afterwards, three users will explain their experience: Collecting distributed clinical research data on hepatic diseases, by Dr. Susana Seijó, researcher at the Clínic Foundation for Biomedical Research; CAPS registry (Catasthrophic AntiPhospholipidic Syndrome), by Dr. Ricard Cervera, of the Hospital Clínic Department of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases; and Personality assessment forms, with Dr. Fernando Gutiérrez, of the same hospital’s Psychology Department.
Date: 14 June 2012?
Time: 11 am to 1:15 pm
Place: Hospital Clínic • Farreras Valentí Conference Room• C/ Villarroel 170, Stairways 9-11, 3rd floor • Barcelona (Spain)