Biocat announcement about Covid-19
<p>Now more than ever, Biocat is working for innovation in healthcare</p>

Given the exceptional situation we are currently in due to Covid-19 (coronavirus), Biocat would like to inform you that we are taking the following measures:
Close collaboration with healthcare stakeholders
As part of our mission to maximize the economic and social impact of healthcare innovation in the BioRegion of Catalonia, Biocat has offered up its services and is working closely with the Catalan Department of Health, and Catalan and international hospitals and research centers in order to identify initiatives and/or medical solutions to help fight Covid-19.
Activities postponed
Most programs and all public activities organized by Biocat over the next few weeks are postponed indefinitely. You’ll get specific information on each one as soon as they can be rescheduled. If you haven’t already, we recommend you subscribe to the Biocat mailing list to get periodic notifications and watch for our updates on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Transforming d·HEALTH Barcelona in response to the current emergency
Participants in Design Health Barcelona (d·HEALTH Barcelona), Biocat’s biodesign program that identifies unmet clinical needs at top Catalan hospitals and turns them into innovative medical technology, is pivoting from its normal set-up to adapt to the current healthcare emergency. We’re working to transfer the clinical immersion online, in close collaboration with doctors and patients in direct contact with the coronavirus, so that any medical solutions that come up will focus directly on fighting Covid-19. We’ll announce more about this soon.
Working remotely, contact us
The whole Biocat team is still working, just from home. If you need to get in touch with us, we recommend using email. You’ll find our addresses on the Biocat website. If you have general questions, contact
We thank you in advance for your patience, solidarity and, above all, for acting responsibly, so that we will all pull through this exceptional situation as best we can.