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Biocat is moving to a new location and as of 20 October will have its headquarters at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). The body will occupy a unique space with nearly 500 square meters on the ground floor of Tower I at the PCB. The move will allow the foundation to benefit from the synergies present in the dense science and business fabric at the PCB.

On 10 April 2014, Montserrat Vendrell was named general manager of the PCB, a position she has taken up in addition to the post she has held since 2007 as CEO of Biocat. “The Park is a nation-building tool to foster innovation in the life sciences arena and, thus, its mission and strategy are fully aligned with the aims of Biocat, which are none other than to promote and grow this sector in Catalonia,” explained Montserrat Vendrell. “Joint management will allow for economies of scale and ensure the PCB is fully included in the development strategy for the BioRegion of Catalonia. They are both pluralistic projects, the success of which lies in generating a critical mass and synergies among the various stakeholders involved.”

The PCB is currently home to roughly seventy companies in the life sciences arena and to important research centers like the Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona (IRB) and the National Genome Analysis Center (CNAG).


New address: Biocat is now located on the ground floor of Tower I in the Barcelona Science Park, on the Diagonal University Campus, near the FC Barcelona stadium. It is easily reached by public transport: bus, metro (line 3 to Zona Universitària or line 5 to Collblanc) or Trambaix.

C/Baldiri Reixac 4-8Torre I (PCB) 08028Barcelona

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