Biocat opens up some sessions of d·HEALTH Barcelona postgrad program
The MOEBIO Short Programs deal with key topics in innovation and entrepreneurship in the healthcare arena

New for the 2014-2015 course, Biocat is opening up some of the Design Health Barcelona sessions (d·HEALTH Barcelona, a pioneering biodesign program in Barcelona) to the public. These are the MOEBIO Short Programs, educational programs lasting no more than 20 hours and dealing with key topics in healthcare, innovation, management and entrepreneurial spirit.
From 29 September 2014 through May 2015, a total of seven Short Programs will train professionals that want to expand their existing knowledge, in addition to acquiring practical knowledge on cutting-edge topics in technological innovation for the health arena. The MOEBIO Short Programs are designed for businesspeople, managers and executives at healthcare organizations, students, postgrads and other professionals interested in broadening their areas of expertise to include healthcare and entrepreneurship.
A chance to discuss and learn
Each Short Program has between 3 and 8 sessions of varying lengths. These include both programs that must be attended in full and others that participants can pick and choose individual sessions from. The sessions will be given in Catalan, Spanish or English by local and international professionals with new ideas and perspectives. Through the Short Programs, participants will learn about the latest discoveries in the industry, become familiar with growing trends and discover new approaches to tackle organizational issues. The d·HEALTH Barcelona fellows will also participate in the session, exchanging ideas, sharing experiences, learning about new points of view and expanding their network of professional contacts alongside the rest of the MOEBIO Short Programs participants.
Transversal aims
The main aims of the MOEBIO Short Programs are to study trends and patterns in the healthcare sector and related industries, to understand healthcare organizations, supply, regulatory issues and funding, to identify key challenges in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical technology industries, and to provide executives and businesspeople with new tools and ways of thinking about how their organizations are managed.
Registration is now open for the first three programs. There is a 20% discount on registration now through 21 September 2014.
MOEBIO Short Programs 2014-2015:
- Understanding Healthcare Systems (REGISTER )
- Update on the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry (REGISTER)
- Medical Devices (REGISTER)
- The Future of Healthcare
- X-Thinking Skills
- New Business Models in Healthcare
- Entrepreneurship and Management
More information on the contents of the programs and how to sign up is available on the MOEBIO Short Programs website.