Biocat organizes 'New pre-clinical animal models for more efficient research' workshop in Lleida
New animal models offer a wide range of opportunities to improve research timings and costs in companies and centers.

Pre-clinical research makes up a large part of the activity carried out in the BioRegion of Catalonia, but not all users are aware of the wide range of opportunities offered by new animal models, nor of their benefits in terms of timings and/or costs at each stage of research.
Biocat, in collaboration with the Lleida Agri-Food Science and Technological Park (PCiTAL) and the IRB Lleida, will hold a technical workshop entitled New pre-clinical animal models for more efficient research on 13 October in Lleida. The aim of this event is to broaden knowledge, foster collaboration and allow companies to improve their research processes, using the most appropriate model at each stage.
The workshop is geared towards researchers, businesspeople and professionals from biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical technology companies that develop models or need them for their research. In order to facilitate participation, Biocat will organize bus transfer from Barcelona to Lleida for those interested.
Dr. Albert Sorribas, Associate Dean for Scientific and Technological Policy at the University of Lleida (UdL) and Dr. Montserrat Vendrell, Biocat CEO will open the event, after which PCiTAL Scientific Director Dr. Santiago Planas and IRB Lleida Scientific Director Dr. Xavier Matias-Guiu will explain the role the Park plays in biomedical research being carried out in Lleida.
The session will also discuss optimizing pre-clinical models in different fields and new alternatives, with CSIC-Biópolis Scientific Director and CEO Dr. Daniel Ramon. It will also deal with new pre-clinical models for more efficient research (biologic and transgenic rodents, pigs, aquatic models and Drosophila), with experts like Dr. Francesc Mitjans, Biomed Division manager at the Leitat Technological Center; Dr. Fàtima Bosch, director of the Center for Animal Biotechnology and Gene Therapy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB); Dr. Carlos Palazuelos, director of Surgery at the Valdecilla virtual Hospital; Dr. Martin Caballero, director of the Animal Facility at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB); and Dr. Andreu Casali, researcher at the Barcelona Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona).
After the workshop, there will be a guided tour of the University of Lleida rodent animal facility.
Date: 13 October 2011
Time: from 9:45 am to 16:45 pm (plus travel time)
Lloc: Lleida Agri-Food Science and Technological Park Auditorium (PCiTAL) • Parc de Gardeny • Edifici CeDiCo • Lleida
Closed registration. Limited space. Questions:
• Encaix del PCiTAL dins la recerca biomèdica de Lleida (Dr. Santiago Planas)
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• Optimització de models preclínics en diferents àmbits i noves alternatives (Dr. Daniel Ramon)
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• Rosegadors biològics i transgènics (Dr. Francesc Mitjans)
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• Utilización del modelo porcino en formación e investigación quirúrgica (Dr. José C. Manuel Palazuelos)
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• El pequeño pez cebra, un buen modelo para la investigación biomédica y biotecnológica (Dr. Juan Martín-Caballero)
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• Drosophila com a sistema model de càncer de colon (Dr. Andreu Casalí)
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- Press release in Spanish (11/10/2011)
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