Biocat presents 2012 Biocapsules program
Five training sessions in Barcelona provide an introduction to management of biotechnology and medical technology companies. New this year, the Biocapsule “Start-up valuation in international environment”.
By Biocat
Biocat is proud to present the fourth edition of the Biocapsules program, an introduction to management of biotechnology and medical technology companies that will be held in Barcelona between 5 November and 12 December 2012.
The program (37.5 hours) is made up of five sessions that offer intensive training in key success factors:
- Start-up Valuation in international environment (5 November 2012)
- Strategic communication (21 November 2012)
- Strategic management of intellectual property (28 November 2012)
- Project management with highly qualified teams (30 November 2012)
- Business development (12 December 2012)
The Biocapsules are designed to be clearly results oriented and given by professionals with extensive experience using a methodology that combines theory and practice (case studies, discussions, presentation, etc.) dynamically and effectively: Claude Camire, Eloisa Alonso and Joan Ramon Vilamitjana (Hill & Knowlton), Lluís Ruíz-Ávila (Janus Developments), Xavier Vallvé (UAB), Albert Cubeles and Laurentiu Neamtu (La Salle), Montse Chavalera (Laboratoris Uriach) and Sergi Trilla (Trifermed).
They are mainly geared towards: entrepreneurs from the sector; teams from start-ups and junior personnel that are, or will soon be, taking on responsibilities that go beyond those they initially carried out; department heads at consolidated companies; and other professionals that wish to extend their areas of expertise. Previous editions of the program have welcomed more than 300 professionals from the sector who have shown a high level of satisfaction.
- Press release in Spanish (17/10/2012)
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