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Over the past 10 years, Catalonia has become a benchmark in Southern Europe for research in biotechnology, biomedicine and medical technology. This sector –which covers a variety of fields like healthcare, the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and agriculture, among others–, has one of the best outlooks for the future in terms of professional opportunities.

Biocat, with collaboration from Adecco, has created the Biotechnology and Biomedical Employment Trends Report, which lays out the 10 keys to the sector. More than sixty descriptions of professional profiles have also been created. The most popular ones can be seen online.

The presentation of the report and the professional profiles will take place on 22 September 2010, as part of the Porta22 sectorial symposiums (Barcelona Activa Center for Professional Development), which are held periodically to provide information on employment trends in various economic sectors. The presentation will be given by Dr. Marta Príncep, Biocat director of Innovation.

After the presentation, two companies and one organization have been invited to speak about the needs, evolution and management of the different professional profiles in their company: Grup Grifols (Mr. Francesc Cartanyà, HR Development Director), spin-off Bioglane (Sr. Sergi Pumarola, general manager) and the Barcelona Science Park (Dr. Jesús Purroy, director of Research and Innovation). The event will close with a round table on this topic. In addition to the aforementioned speakers, participants will include Mr. César Castel, director of the Adecco Medical & Science division, and, representing CataloniaBIO, Dr. Ricard Munné, vice-president of GP Pharm.


Presentation of the Biotechnology and Biomedical Employment Trends Report
  By Dr. Marta Príncep, Biocat director of Innovation

Companies speak:
  Mr. Francesc Cartanyà, HR Development Director for Grifols
  Sr. Sergi Pumarola, general manager of Bioglane
  Dr. Jesús Purroy, director of Research and Innovation at the Barcelona Science Park


Round table:
  Mr. César Castel, director of the Adecco Medical & Science division
  Dr. Ricard Munné, vice-president of GP Pharm, representing CataloniaBIO
  Mr. Francesc Cartanyà, HR Development Director for Grup Grifols
  Sr. Sergi Pumarola, general manager of Bioglane
  Dr. Jesús Purroy, director of Research and Innovation at the PCB
  Moderated by: Dr. Marta Príncep


Sign up

Date: 22 september 2010
Time: 5:30-8:00 pm
Place: Barcelona Activa Auditorium • C/ Llacuna, 162 • Barcelona

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