BioVision: a forum of debates about progress in life sciences
Nearly 200 first line experts will participate in the seventh edition of this biennial meeting which will take place in Lyon next 27th to 29th March.

The fòrum BioVision —endorsed by the Académie des Sciences— gathers every two years in Lyon (France) nearly 200 experts of first order of the scientific, industrial, governmental and civil area, to discuss about the main challenges in life sciences. The seventh edition of this meeting will take place next 27th to 29th March 2011.
The debate will consider scientific progress and its industrial applications, which create every day new hopes to face illnesses, malnutrition and pollution; it raises new questions and preventions in society and opinion leaders. Last year it attracted over 2,500 people.
The forum is organized in fifteen events divided into three tracks:
- Decision makers' perspectives at international level: six full sessions about the main scientific and social aspects related with health, environment and nutrition.
- Scientific advances: talks and round tables about health, environment and nutrition.
- Business in Life Sciences: 25 experts of the industry will treat entrepreneurial aspects of this area.
For the first time, an online partnering tool will help forum assistants make the most of it: