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Biocat will receive €150,000 to start up an innovation in biodesign program through the Moebio initiative, an innovative training program to promote entrepreneurial talent in the European biohealth sector. Moebio responds to training needs at the interfaces of science, technology and business, understanding that innovation is generated at the intersection of different disciplines.

One of the programs found at these interfaces is biodesign, in which engineers, doctors, scientists and MBAs work together to identify real needs or problems and propose solutions that are feasible both technically and commercially. This approach aims to yield new proposals in the field of medical technology that are capable of responding to the challenges of the 21st century and of having an economic and social impact.

The Moebio Innovation in Biodesign program aims to train leaders in innovation from the medical technology sector and has been inspired by the biodesign course offered at Stanford University (United States). This course at Stanford was created ten years ago and is currently also available in India and Singapore. Stanford University has also helped created similar programs in the United States and Europe.

Biocat presented its program in the call for proposals for the 2011 International Campus of Excellence held by the Ministry of Excellence, with the University of Barcelona (UB), as part of the fortification subprogram and under the framework of the Health University of Barcelona Campus (HUBc) program, which aims to promote research and innovation in the biohealth sector.

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