Call open for 5th annual EuropaBio ‘Most Innovative EU Biotech SME’ awards
The deadline for applications is 1 July 2014

EuropaBio has opened its call for the “Most Innovative EU Biotech SME” prize, which awards €10,000 to the winning SME and a free two-year EuropaBio membership to all the finalists. These awards aim to recognize SMEs that have developed new ways to solve problems using technology in social, technological or environmental arenas.
The winning SME will be announced in an event held on 8 October in Brussels as part of European Biotech Week, 6 through 10 October. More than 100 events are expected to take place throughout the week, focusing on the benefits biotechnology can contribute in areas like climate change, growth and employment, industrial processes, health and food.
The panel of judges is made up of G. Steven Burrill, founder and CEO of Burrill&Company and head of one of the benchmark reports in the sector; Tom Saylor, CEO of Arecor and chair of the EuropaBio SME Platform; Nathalie Moll, general secretary of EuropaBio; and one member of the European Parliament.
The deadline for applications is 1 July.
More information is available in the EuropaBio press release.