The Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research (AATRM) has opened a Call for topics so the scientific community in Catalonia can propose topics for the 2010 clinical research and healthcare services call for proposals.
This biyearly call for proposals funds work that can be useful in the decision-making process in the healthcare system, as well as helping resolve doubts that healthcare professionals face in their daily practice.
The topics proposed must take into account the needs identified in the National Pact for Research and Innovation, the 2010 Catalan Health Plan and the Directive Plans of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Innovation, Universities and Enterprise.
The AATRM, which coordinates, manages and evaluates the call for proposals, expects to announce the rules and regulations before this summer. In 2008, a total of 121 projects were presented in the 20 topics included in the call and only 14 of these received funding. The project that received the most funding, 145,800 euros, was titled Genetic determinants of the toxicity of chemotherapy in colorectal cancer: an exhaustive study of the genome, presented by researcher Víctor Moreno from the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO).
Like in the previous call, topics must be proposed online:
Topic proposal form (Deadline: 15/3/2010)
If you have any questions, please contact: recerca_aatrm@aatrm.catsalut.net