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“Equity crowfunding platforms move eight times more money in the United Kingdom than in the rest of Europe combined. They have a great culture of private investment and a highly dynamic financial environment.” These are some of the reasons why Capital Cell, a Catalan equity crowfunding platform specializing in biotechnology and the life sciences has announced it aims to open a subsidiary in the United Kingdom, as explained the firm’s CEO Daniel Oliver.

The company has chosen Cambridge, where it hopes to begin operations in 2017 with five funding projects and £1 million. According to Oliver, “Cambridge is the most important biotechnology hub in Europe.” Before landing there, the firm began a round of funding in the country, seeking local investors.

This new project, which has been the focus of two members of the team, addresses Capital Cell’s twofold strategy. The start-up aims to become a Europe-wide collective investment funding entity (equity crowdfunding) and to support Catalan companies in the healthcare sector looking to move into the United Kingdom, helping them find funding from British investors.

“Catalan companies have a high level of science and a lot to offer: we want to be the bridge between Catalonia and clients, partners and funds in the United Kingdom,” highlights Oliver.

Capital Cell started operations in 2015 in Catalonia and so far the platform, which any individual can use to buy a stake in health companies that aren’t publicly traded, has supported 10 projects and helped raise more than €2.4 millions. These projects include Cebiotex, Iproteos, ZeClinics and Braingaze.


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