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By Biocat

The Council of European Bioregions (CEBR) is pleased to hold the SIG (Special Interest Groups) meeting Shared Facilities: Raising the visibility of your facility in Europe on 23 May in Barcelona. The event will present examples and good practices to help science and technology facilities and platforms around Europe to promote their services and value added on an international level. The meeting, associated with the ABCEurope project, is free of charge and open to managers and heads of bioclusters and science facilities.

After the meeting, a summary of the main good practices will be made available on the CEBR website and the Tools of Science Europe portal.

The meeting in Barcelona will also kick start planning for the SIG over the next 12 months.

When Dr. Montserrat Vendrell was chosen Chair of CEBR in March, she explained that this new stage of CEBR required “acting as a platform to share knowledge and launch and raise awareness of joint projects carried out among different bioclusters to boost competitiveness in Europe.”

The same day, at the PCB, Biocat will also hold the workshop The role of platforms and facilities in translational research, which will bring together roughly 150 professionals from science and technology platforms and research centers in Catalonia, and a meeting of the Interbio project.


Date: 23 May 2012
Time: 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
Venue: Barcelona Science Park (PCB) • Room 1 • C/ Baldiri Reixach, 4 (Tower I) • Barcelona (Spain)

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