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By Biocat

National and international experts will meet at CosmoCaixa Barcelona on 30 and 31 October, called together by B·Debate and the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL) —of the ISGlobal alliance— to forge links between research, public health practices and urban planning as the only way to create healthy green zones for urban populations.

The need for these debates comes out of recent studies that have shown that people who live closer to green zones live longer and have a lower risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease, obesity, mental health problems and complications during pregnancy. Moreover, various studies suggest that aggressive and delinquent behavior decreases, sleep patterns improve, and patients recover better from any illness.

The scientific director for this event, entitled Green Cities Healthy People. Planning Healthy Urban Spaces, is professor Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, coordinator of the CREAL air pollution program and the Phenotype project.

More information on the B·Debate website.

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