Collaboration between companies a way to broaden business possibilities
The UAB Research Park organizes an event to establish bilateral interviews among biomedical and medical technologies companies, entities and research groups.

Within COPIT program, the UAB Research Park (PRUAB) organizes an entrepreneurial collaboration event next 19th November at Building Eureka in Bellaterra, Barcelona. It is addressed to biomedical and medical technologies companies, organizations and research groups in order to establish bilateral interviews between participants and foster their collaboration. The interviews will last a maximum of 15 minutes.
9.15 - 9.45h Reception of participants and documentation delivery
9.45 - 10.00h Welcome
10.00 - 13.00h Bilateral meetings
13.00 - 13.50h Networking Cocktail
13.50 - 14.00h Closing session
The COPIT program is an initiative of the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade which has the co-funding of ERDF: European Regional Development Fund and with the collaboration of the EOI Business School, the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) and the Spanish Coordinator of Industrial Areas (CEPE). Regarding the area of Catalonia, the participating organizations are: the UAB Research Park, Vallès Technology Park, 22@Barcelona, TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme, Agroalimentary Scientific and Technological Park of Lleida and Pimec, the Catalan association of small and medium-sized enterprises.
COPIT’s objective is to foster cooperation between companies and other institutions that generate technology in the environment of scientific and technological parks, and also, of the industrial areas. It looks to improve competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises and to create the exchange of technological offer and demand.
The Vallès Technology Park (PTV) also takes part in the organization of this working day. It has programmed a parallel meeting, same day, hour and place, but centered on water, energy and environment.
Biocat collaborates in the organization of the event under the umbrella of one of its strategic focal points, to promote biotechnological, biomedical and medical technologies entrepreneurial competitiveness. How? Propitiating policies, programs and initiatives that allow Catalan companies succeed in the global market.
Registration (Please fill in the registration form and send it to:
See list of SMEs already registered
Date: 19 November 2010
Time: from 10 am to 1 pm
Place: Eureka Building • UAB Campus • Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona, Spain)