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The European scientific community is invited to participate in the consultation now open to select candidates to the Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC is an essential pillar of research of excellence in Europe and, each year, offers a number of prestigious research grants. New members of the Scientific Council are appointed by the European Commission based on recommendations from an independent Identification Committee, which is organizing this consultation.

Members have a four-year term of office, renewable once. The current exercise will renew approximately one third of the 22 members, who will come into office in early 2013, as well as selecting candidates for future replacements.

The Identification Committee bases its selection on criteria set out in the Commission Decision establishing the ERC of 2 February 2007 (2007/134/CE). Additionally, contributions from research organizations will also be taken into account, which must be sent by email to before 30 March 2012. Contributions from representative organizations must follow guidelines provided in this document.

The Committee will meet throughout spring of 2012, and its report will be sent to the European Parliament and to the Council of the European Union. The appointments of the new Scientific Council members are foreseen for September 2012. 

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