CRG, NCBS and inStem create joint postdoctoral fellowship program
Researchers that have finished their PhD will join these three centers of excellence in basic biological research in the cities of Barcelona and Bangalore.

By Biocat
The Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, the National Center for Biological Sciences (NCBS) and the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem) in Bangalore (India) have presented a joint postdoctoral fellowship program through which scientists of all nationalities can collaborate with renowned researchers from three centers to carry out new lines of research.
This program is a good training opportunity for postdoctoral candidates that aspire to work in basic, multidisciplinary biological research, as they would have the change to do so in world-renowned centers of excellence —the CRG has just received the Severo Ochoa accreditation— in two cities with a competitive environment and significant critical mass of researchers, alongside leading scientists like Mara Dierssen (CRG), Pedro Carvalho (CRG), Thomas Graf (CRG), Ben Lehner (CRG), James Sharpe (CRG), Isabelle Vernos (CRG), Toni Gabaldón (CRG), Matthieu Louis (CRG), Jérome Solon (CRG), Pia Cosma (CRG), Guillaume Filion (CRG), Sandeep Krishna (NCBS), Mukund Thattai (NCBS), Raghu Padinjat (NCBS), Madhu Venkadesan (NCBS) and Jyotsna Dhawan (inStem).
The postdoctoral positions are for four years. More information is available on the CRG website. You can also learn more about the biocluster in Catalonia and the biocluster in Bangalore.
The deadline for applications is 15 November 2012.
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