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As announced on the Biocat website at the end of June, the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), “la Caixa” Welfare Projects and the International Center for Scientific Debate (ICSD) will hold the international conference entitled Evolving Challenges in Promoting Cardiovascular Health in Barcelona from 3 to 5 November 2011.

Under the scientific direction of Dr. Valentí Fuster, the program includes papers and discussions from more than twenty top-notch international experts, networking activities, a professional development session and a poster session.

Registration is still open and members of the BioRegion of Catalonia have a 10% discount. Anyone interested in signing up should send an email to requesting a registration code.

Call for abstracts and posters

Young researchers, students and postdoctoral candidates have the opportunity to present their work at the poster session. Anyone interested should send an abstract before 16 September 2011. For instructions, send an email to with “Abstract information” in the subject line.

The organizing committee will evaluate all abstracts and choose those to be included in the session. The top posters chosen by the committee will be presented orally at the Data Bliz Session (4 November, at 4:40 pm).

Questions: NYAS • Tel. +1 212 298 8681

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