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By Biocat

The projects emerged from Design Health Barcelona (d·HEALTH Barcelona), Biocat’s program to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in Catalonia, may win up to $200,000 (150,000 Euros) for their execution and commercialization. Biocat has reached an agreement with the Mexican company Alandra Medical Inc, specializing in the development of innovative medical devices, so that the products of d·HEALTH Barcelona fellows will compete alongside with other biodesign schools in the world at the Medical Innovation Challenge. The goal of the competition is to accelerate the manufacturing of these innovations so patients can benefit from them as soon as possible.

"We are looking for innovations in medical technologies that are internationally competitive, projects that have a low cost but a great impact on people’s lives" said Luis Soenksen, a biomedical engineer, entrepreneur and head of research programs and strategy at Alandra Medical Inc, during his visit to Barcelona to give a lecture at d·HEALTH Barcelona.

In late October, d·HEALTH Barcelona fellows started the clinical immersion stage at the Hospital Clínic, Guttmann Institute and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.

More information on the Moebio website.

Follow the program on Twitter @moebiobarcelona with the hashtag #dHEALTHBcn.

Press release (8 November 2013)

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