European B.BICE+ project extends the call on companies interested in opening market in Brazil
The deadline for the call for expressions of interest has been extended to the 6th of July 2014
The European B.BICE+ project is holding the EU-Brazil Technology and Innovation Forum from 22 to 25 September 2014 in Belém (Brazil). European and Brazilian stakeholders in innovation and research interested in fostering EU-Brazil synergies can apply for funding from B.BICE+ to attend the Forum. Those interested must submit an expression of interest by 30 June for the two types of applications: general, for all stakeholders participating in the event, and an additional one for those who want to request B2B meetings.
As part of the Forum, the B.BICE+ project will hold the following events:
- 22 September morning. "Opportunities for Brazilian SMEs, technology parks and other innovation actors for cooperation on innovation with Europe"
- 22 September afternoon. "B2B encounters between Brazilian and European research and innovation actors"
- 23 September. "Training and exchange on EU and Brazilian best practices on technology transfer and innovation management"
- 23 September. "High level round table on IPR"
- 25 September. Plenary session “Path towards the internationalization of the Brazilian innovative enterprises: experiences from Europe, Brazil and other emerging countries”
B.BICE+ is an international cooperation project funded by the European Commission that aims to drive bilateral cooperation to foster political dialog in science, technology and innovation among countries in the European Union, the Commission and Brazil.
More information is available on the B.BICE+ website.