Experts from the BioRegion at ONCO Emergence Forum in Montpellier
<p>The next edition will be held in Barcelona in 2018, organized by Biocat</p>

Experts from Biocat and other organizations in the BioRegion participated in the ONCO Emergence Forum, a networking congress held in Montpellier on 14 and 15 December focused on building multidisciplinary consortia, networks and collaborative projects in oncology to apply to European Commission and bilateral calls for proposals. The next edition of the ONCO Emergence Forum will be held in Barcelona in 2018, organized by Biocat.
The event held this year in Montpellier was organized by the European Onconet Sudoe consortium, made up of Biocat, Navarra Biomed, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Catalan Institute of Oncology, University of Coimbra, Granada Health Technology Park (PTS), University Toulouse III, Cancer Bio Santé and Eurobiomed.
The program for the congress held in Montpellier featured experts from the BioRegion, including Roi Villar, head of Internationalization at Biocat; Marta Soler, head of Research and Scientific Debate at Biocat; Gabriel Capellà, director of IDIBELL; Eva Martínez-Balibrea, researcher at the Institute for Health Science Research Germans Trias i Pujol; Josep Lluís Gelpi, team leader at BSC Life Sciences and associate professor at the University of Barcelona; Mariona Serra, co-founder and CEO of GoodGut; Raquel Bermudo, technical coordinator of the Tumor Bank (HCB-IDIBAPS Biobank); and Simon Perera, Business Development manager at Anaxomics.
The noteworthy topics of the event included liquid biopsies as prognostic biological markers for solid tumors; new diagnostic approaches and involvement in clinical studies; the microbiome and cancer; access to biobanks and biological samples in Europe; cancer aggressiveness: understanding the specificity of aggressive cancers in research, diagnosis, treatment and patient care; big data and bioinformatics; and innovation, research, funding and markets.
The next edition, in Barcelona
The ONCO Emergence Forum is geared towards researchers, postgraduate students, hospital staff, project managers, businesspeople and company representatives, among others, to build transversal consortia capable of opting for competitive funding like that under Horizon 2020. All the activities are open to all, free of charge.
The initiative is part of the European Onconet Sudoe project, co-funded by the Interreg Sudoe program and which Biocat is a member of. This project was created to establish a permanent network of excellence in oncology by mobilizing healthcare stakeholders in southwestern Europe in prevention, diagnosis, care and translational research.
The next edition will take place in Barcelona in 2018, organized by Biocat.