Expoquimia 2008 is the most important Applied Chemistry event in the Mediterranean area and in this fifteenth edition there is an important novelty. There will be a new space of 7,500m2 devoted exclusively to biotechnology. The congress will take place next October, from 20th to 24th at Gran Via venue of the Fira de Barcelona.
Lab&Bio is a pioneer platform of debate in our country where employers, scientists, representatives of the public administrations, economy’s agents and investors, will meet. It is the answer to the sector demands and which is one of the 21st Century big axes of development: biotechnology and biomedicine.
Parallel to the congress, Expoquimia 2008 will also offer bilateral interviews (partnering event) during 20th and 21st of October. The event main objective, which is promoted by the EEN Catalonia - ACC1Ó, is to help European companies to find technological partners and to establish alliances to participate in the EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) projects - in the area of Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies (NMP.)
This partnering event is co-organised by the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FITEC) and EEN Catalonia – ACC1Ó. This last organisation belongs to the biggest public net of entities promoting innovation and competitiveness worldwide (Enterprise Europe Network.)
Further information at: Expoquimia 2008 | Partnering event