Farmaindustria, Biocat and CataloniaBio organize symposium on funding for new biomed start-ups

Farmaindustria and the Spanish Technology Platform Innovative Medicines, together with Biocat and CataloniaBio, are organizing a symposium on funding for startups in the biomedicine field, which will be held on 8 July at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) Auditorium.
The inauguration will be led by the president of Farmaindustria, Jesús Acebillo; president of CataloniaBio, Antonio Parente; and president of the Biocat Executive Committee, Manel Balcells.
The symposium will deal with the main barriers to funding that biomedical start-ups face, a debate with Julia Salaverría from Ysios Capital Partners and Antonio Molins* from Garrigues. The viewpoint of pharmaceutical companies and human healthcare biocompanies regarding mutual cooperation will also be discussed. José Luis Diaz* from Almirall and Juan José Artells from Novartis will discuss the viewpoint of pharmaceutical companies and Cristina Quiles* from Neuroscience Technologies and Carlos Buesa from Oryzon Genomics will give their opinion as executives from biocompanies.
The report Farmaindustria is compiling to analyze the impact of the global recession on Spanish startups in developing their activities related to biotechnology applied to human healthcare will also be presented at the event.
Registration (Deadline: 7/7/2010)
Date: 8 July 2010
Place: PRBB • Auditorium • C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88 • Barcelona (Spain)
* Speakers to be confirmed.