Before the events of the BIO-Europe Spring Barcelona 2010 congress, companies and organizations in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors in Catalonia, Spain and Canada will meet for a seminar-networking session organized by the Canadian Consulate in Barcelona, in collaboration with Biocat, BioteCanada and Asebio, on 7 March 2010.
This meeting aims to give companies and organizations participating in the BIO-Europe Spring congress a first-hand look at the biotech and pharma sectors in these countries, as well as the chance to establish contacts with Canadian and European companies before the top European partnering event.
The participants in charge of giving a snapshot of each sector will be the Canadian consul in Barcelona, Lesley-Ann Reed; general director of Asebio, Isabel García; director of Innovation at Biocat, Marta Príncep; and Betsy Bascom, BioteCanada vice-president for Business Development and Member Services. The event will end with a networking session, which will include representatives from European companies.
Economic relations between Spain and Canada have increased notably over the past years and still have a high potential for growth. Canada offers numerous opportunities to collaborate on potential R&D projects, new joint product development projects, technology transfer, and product licensing, among others.
Confirm attendance: Patricia.RoggemanFonseca@international.gc.ca or by phone on +34 93 412 72 36.