Fourth edition of BioEmprenedorXXI begins, a program to create life sciences companies in Barcelona
Companies are eligible for the BioEmprenedorXXI award, which includes training, incubation, internationalization and funding actions to start up a business project.

The fourth edition of BioEmprenedorXXI is starting. This program is aimed at creating companies in Catalonia in the field of life sciences in its widest application: biotechnology, biomedicine, environment and agrifood.
This is a joint initiative of “la Caixa”, the Barcelona City Council (through Barcelona Activa), Biocat, Genoma España and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. Collaboration among these public and private bodies ensures that participants will receive a first-hand look at the main needs and trends in the sector; business concerns; and training and financial needs of the market.
Entrepreneuring in the life sciences sector
This initiative is geared towards university graduates, researchers, professors, doctoral students and entrepreneurs with a business idea or company in the start-up phase that want to start their own business, either as a spin-off of their institution or independently.
This is an integral training, guidance and support program for entrepreneurs that provides participants with a series of tools and resources to facilitate both the creation and consolidation processes in their company. Evaluation and start-up of the business ideas is done through the creation of a business plan.
Organizers of the BioEmprenedorXXI program —which will last eight months and include roughly 15 business projects— highlight that the program is a unique opportunity to start up a company, make new contacts, develop management skills, and access funding and the global market.
BioEmprenedorXXI award: €20,000
One winner and two runners-up will be selected from the business plans presented, who will receive €20,000, €10,000 and €5,000 respectively in addition to a program of training, internationalization, communication and incubation actions.
VCN Biosciences, which develops new biotechnology drugs with great potential for fighting cancer, was the winner of the last edition. The runners-up were ImmunNovative Developments (first runner-up) and iMicroQ (second runner-up).
The award ceremony will be held in November, during the Biocat Forum.
Registration (deadline 18 May 2011)
Questions: or by phone 93 401 96 29.
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- Press call in Catalan (3/5/2011, 12:00 am, Barcelona Activa)
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