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Got an idea? Would you like to develop a new technique? Have you ever thought you could register a patent? Do you know what a spin-off is? All these aspects will be discussed in the first event Transfer and innovation in health, which is organized by the University of Girona and the UdG Medicine Foundation next 9th February 2012 at the Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta of Girona.

Dr. Montserrat Vendrell, CEO of Biocat, will open the event which will have as main protagonists experts and businessmen involved in biotechnology and biomedicine in Catalonia. The conference will be structured in a block of general concepts and another of advanced ones.

Dr. Pere Condom, director of the Science and Technology Park of the University of Girona, will make an introduction about technology transfer. Afterwards, Dr. Jesus Garcia-Gil, Professor of Microbiology at the University of Girona and managing director at Microbial, and Dr. Lluís Ramió, neurologist at the Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta, will make some observations on how we realize that we have something of value in front of us, from the university and from the hospital point of view, respectively. Dr. Pere-Joan Cardona, co-inventor of the Ruti vaccine against latent TB, phase III, and Chief Scientific Officer at Archivel Pharma, will present Shall I jump into the deep end and start a new business, or am I cautious and patent?

Dr. José M. Fernández Real, lead researcher of Mellitus (spin-off of Hospital Dr. Josep Trueta) , will explain their experience finding investors. And, to end the day, Miquel Àngel Bonachera and Sergi Audivert, co-founders and co-managing directors of AB-Biotics, the first Catalan biotech company to be listed on the Alternative Stock Market (MAB) and with a high international growth, will discuss how to relate to the health sector.


Date: 9 February 2012
Time: from 1 pm to 4 pm
Venue: Chapel of the Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta • Av. de França, s/n • Girona (Spain)

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