Industrial Biotechnology: revolution or evolution?
AIQS brings next 17th May to Barcelona one of the great gurus of white biotechnology in Europe, Professor Pierre Monsan.
By Biocat
The Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of the Sarrià Chemical Institute (AIQS), with the collaboration of the IQS itself and Biocat, has invited Professor Pierre Monsan to explain the white biotechnology initiative being carried out by the public-private consortium Toulouse White Biotechnology (TWB) to contribute to the economic competitiveness of France. The conference, entitled Industrial (White) Biotechnology: revolution ... or evolution? The White Biotech Initiative in Toulouse, will take place next 17th May, from 9 pm, at IQS in Barcelona. Admission is free.
Teacher Monsan is a guru of industrial biotechnology and one of the most renowned researchers in the field of enzymes and their applications in multinational pharmaceutical and food industry companies. At present, he is TWB director and deputy director of the Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Toulouse. He combines both positions with the membership of the University Institute of France and the French Academy of Technology and as chairman of the Committee Consultatif Régional pour la Recherche et le Développement Technologique (CCRRDT) at the Midi-Pyrenees Region.
TWB's mission is to proof the technical and socioeconomic of white biotechnology processes and products, which tends to consume fewer resources than traditional processes. TWB is working on two fronts: build critical mass of scientific excellence that will help accelerate the transfer of innovation into the company, and implement R&D for the creation of preindustrial tools and methodologies, and industrial R & D to develop new products and processes (in confidential collaboration with businesses).
TWB partners include INRA, CNRS- INSA Toulouse, several industries (from raw material suppliers to technology suppliers through manufacturers of end products) and early-stage investors. It also has the support of the University of Toulouse.
Date: 17 de maig de 2012
Time: 19 h
Venue: IQS • Multimedia Room 1 • Via Augusta, 390 • Barcelona (Spain)