InKemia and AFAQUIM to work together to boost R&D&i in the Spanish pharmaceutical fine chemicals sector
They have signed an agreement covering joint investment in co-development projects for active ingredients

On Thursday 17 July, Catalan firm InKemia IUCT Group and the Manufacturers' Association of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (AFAQUIM) signed a collaboration agreement covering co-development of active ingredients for the generic drug industry. The event featured Catalan Minister of Enterprise and Employment Felip Puig and was held at the Ministry of Enterprise and Employment.
This agreement aims to promote the development of pharmaceutical active ingredients and strengthen the fine chemicals industry in Spain. "In order to continue with the effort of demanding and maintaining the quality of work done in the sector and to expand the results, today we are signing this collaboration agreement between AFAQUIM and Inkemia," explained Mª Lluisa Espinós, chair of the AFAQUIM board. Dr. Josep Castells, president of Inkemia, commented that signing this agreement “is highly significant both for companies in the sector and for InKemia, as it opens the door to developing new joint R&D projects, bringing in the technological capacities of both parties. This agreement also reflects the shared R&D investment efforts of both parties. However it also goes further, contemplating the risks and potential benefits that may result from development of these projects."
Inkemia has been publicly traded on the Alternative Stock Market (MAB) since 2011 and has recently launched a capital increase of €3.4 millions, which will come to an end on 23 July. This increase aims to raise funds to cover investment in areas like R&D&i and internationalization, fostering the company’s sustainable growth. Despite recent events that have had an impact on stocks traded on the MAB and the general panic this generated among investors in this market, as of 10 July (12 days before the close of the increase) Inkemia had already posted excess demand of 214% above the shares available through the capital increase.